Building Your Own Piece of the Future – Client Profiling
May 30, 2018 | By Scott MacKillop
“You better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone for the times they are a changin’.” –Bob Dylan Last time we talked about how technology is changing the game for advisors. To sum up, in the future, the traditional cornerstones of your value proposition like investment managemen
Scott's Column | client profiling, Practice Management, risk tolerance
Making Business Networking Work for You
April 3, 2018 | By Katherine Clark
“The old adage is wrong,” a professor at my business school would say. “It’s not about who you know; it’s about who knows you.” He would go on to posit that a few deep connections with people who truly know and trust your character can be more valuable than dozens of industry acquaintan
Business Builders | networking, Practice Management
How Advisors Can Go from Good to Outstanding
September 12, 2017 | By Scott MacKillop
Being a good financial advisor requires mastery of a wide range of technical skills. Being a great financial advisor requires having skills as a counselor and psychologist. Being an outstanding financial advisor requires developing your skills as a teacher and coach. Here’s why. The job of a finan
Business Builders | Financial Literacy, Investor Education, Practice Management