The Classroom

We believe strongly that education can improve long-term investment success.

The investment world can be confusing and intimidating for clients. We all should have received a course in school about investing to help us understand it better. Most of us never did.

So we created some short videos to help clients become more successful investors.  They address some of the basics of investing, financial planning, and the value that financial advisors can provide.

The information provided is:

  • clear and concise—anyone can understand it
  • objective—the goal is to educate, not sell

Feel free to share these videos with your clients.



Investor Education Series Introduction

May 3, 2016

Make It Personal, Investor Education Series

May 3, 2016

Understanding Risk-Investor Education Series

May 3, 2016

The Forum

We believe strongly that good communication is the foundation of good relationships. The following information will help you understand who we are and how we see the world.


August 1, 2017 | Financial Advisor

Like it or not, there is an increasing focus on fees in financial services. This is due, among other things, to the rise of passive investing, the emergence of robo-advisors and the adoption of the DOL fiduciary rule. Clients are getting the message: What they pay makes a big difference over time. In response, many … Read More

Articles By Us| Fee Schedule, Fees