Opinion: “Fiduciary”—An Attitude, Not a Law

Both the DOL and the SEC turned a concept that is simple enough to be captured in a fortune cookie into an indecipherable instruction manual. It’s time to re-simplify what a fiduciary is.

Courtesy as a Competitive Advantage

Unreturned phone calls and emails, not portfolio performance, are the top reasons clients fire their financial advisors, according to research.

Five Ideas to Emphasize Your Humanness

In an ever-changing world filled with new technology and tools, there are some things that a robot will never be able to do. Find out how to navigate the future to position you and your practice for success.

Ignore the Gurus, Part II

The annual tsunami of prognostications about how the stock market and the economy will perform in 2018 was beginning to slow. Then the stock market had a major hiccup and the punditry scrambled back to its soap boxes to give us another dose.

Ignore the Gurus

Market prognosticators are usually dead wrong. So why do we keep listening?

Creating the Right Client Profile

Do you want to differentiate your firm from the competition while adding value to your client relationships? Then you should focus attention on an area that is ignored by most advisors: client profiling.

Obvious, Boring and Effective

In investing, a substantial performance advantage comes from things you can control: simple portfolio construction and low-cost funds.

Asset Management Is Not a Commodity

The idea that asset management is a mindless endeavor devoid of skill, art or judgement is a harmful one. Even cheap, automated strategies have varied outcomes. The humans behind the machines still matter.