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Posts by Katherine Clark:

Recently, a financial planner I really admire invited me to a group she was hosting at her office for women in financial services to elevate each other in their respective roles.  After I gladly accepted the invitation, she emailed me again saying that the speaker for this month’s get-together ha

Business Builders

“The old adage is wrong,” a professor at my business school would say. “It’s not about who you know; it’s about who knows you.” He would go on to posit that a few deep connections with people who truly know and trust your character can be more valuable than dozens of industry acquaintan

Business Builders

Ask Yourself These 3 Questions to Find Out We offer outsourced investment management with a high level of service that we believe is worth far more than our low, flat fee. But even so, outsourcing might not be for everyone. When advisors who haven’t outsourced before contact us, we talk a lot abou

Business Builders

We recently came across a blog post that Jason Zweig of the Wall Street Journal wrote about 19 questions clients should ask their advisor. As I read through the article, it seems to me that the one concern driving many of the questions is: How do I know I can place my trust in you? Business Builders

Lately, we’ve been thinking that maybe our $500 flat-fee pricing model is a bit of a spotlight hog. Please don’t get us wrong. We are thrilled to be able to offer a low, flat fee. We believe strongly that our pricing model serves our advisors and their clients well. It allows us to fit more

Business Builders

What do clients really need from you? Do they need your alpha potential, your superior stock-picking skills, or your heavy-lifting on fund strategies? Maybe. And certainly, no client is going to complain when you beat the market (as long as you can do it again). But there may be some things you can

Business Builders